Department of Laboratry

The department is divided into the following section:-
- Biochemistry
- Hematology
- Histopathology and Cytology
- Microbiology
- Serology with special Immunology


In addition to the routine biochemical tests, there are facilities for enzymes ( cardiac, Hepatic and Pancreatic) Hormones (HCG levels, T3 T4 TSH, FSH and LH ) and special chemistry ( prostatic acid phosphates and Glycosated Haemoglobin). The working of the department is regularly monitored by external and internal quality control.

Hematology Services Availables

- Complete blood count and blood picture review by hematologist

- Reticulocytes Count

- Bone Marrow Examination

- Coagulation studies – Production time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, Thrombin Time, FDP, Bleeding Time.

- Complete Coagulation Workup for bleeding disorders including assay of factors ( F, VII, IX, XI, VII, V, etc.)

- Control of oral coagulation PT/ INR

- Investigation of haemolytic anaemia

Histopathology & Cytology

Investigation available in the department of Histopathology.

- Routine histopathology- diagnostic

Out side biopsies are accepted. Mission hospital specimens are done at concessional rates as decided by hospital administration.

- Panacytokeratin


- S-100

- Vimentin

- ER, PR, HER2/ neu

- CD3

- CD20

- Ki67

- NSE ( Neuron Specific Enolase)

* Immunoflurescence for renal biopsies - IgG, IgM, IgA, C1q, C3c and Fibrinogen

* Intra operative diagnosis using- Frozen setion, microwave processing , crush smear and imprint preparations.

* Pap smears.

* Body fluids – for malignant cytology

* FNAC – Procedure and reporting


Routine checkups of Blood , Stool , Urine, Body Fluids.


In addition to routine serology, he special serology test done are TB- ELISA, H0 Pylori, Amoebiasis, HIV and TOXOPLASMA.

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